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pictures of livestock sales
arena 2 92016
checking in wool sheep

checking in

ring & TV screens

jake g modeling the hat
Clay, Mariesa & Jake 92016

Clay- ring man, Mariesa ring clerk and guest Auctioneer- Jacob G

Jake G- our guest auctioneer while Dan was off.

Kellie changing a pen no 92016
checiking in gus & clay

Clay and Gus checking in.

Kellie changing a pen no

tv screens

Ring clerk has gotten weight, no. head and animal on the way into the ring. She will add tag no. soon as she can read it.

Copy of tv's adn ads

Center screen scrolls the information and no. head sold and no. head left.  Subrtacts when sold and adds if more are checked in.

tv's adn ads

Left screen shows animals just sold, weight, price, whether sold by weight or by head and buyer’s no.

announcements 2 92016

Our center screen also scrolls  a Welcome to our sale,  information, things coming up, how we sell -by head, by weight, by pair or multiples in the ring. Times to check in and other information.

Time flies when you are having fun.  Clay and Gus no longer work for us. Gus is in college studying entomology and will graduate soon. Clay is married. Skyler has moved on to different jobs.  Mariesa has another job.  Jake G (guest auctioneer)has graduated from college.  Dan (auctioneer) moved to take another job in a different area and sadly passed away from covid. Kellie is now the facility manager for the Lincoln Co Fairgrounds.   I guess I need to get some updated pictures. Dalton who was checking in in that first picture is now an EMT. Danielle is I believe still working for the Dept of Ag. and has a baby I think, Deanne finished up her masters and has a new baby, Cindy is now retired and willing to fill in if I need her, and I’m sure I’m leaving out some who worked for us for a long while.  We have been lucky to have some great kids start their work career with us, losing some when they went off to college and some continued to work while they went to college. Some found full time employment after high school and some rotated back in once in a while when we need help- like Sydni she is now married and living in KS I think  These kids will someday be leaders in their community.  My daughter now works office and ring clerking, my son is technical go to person if I have a computer hardware issue.  My grandchildren who have helped off and on- Josh has a welding degree and is stock manager and ring man, Jacob who graduated with an Ag degree works at Diamond Tag and looking for a job in Ag show management helps when he can clerking or ring man, Nicholas has a degree in Aeronautical and Mechanical engineering, doing his masters in drones- now works for Boeing in St Louis.  Bryce has finishing a degree in chemical engineering processing and looking for a job while helping out his aunt Cheryl at the tag office, and Brittney has been back and helped but works at Walmart and changing schedules keeps her busy. And then my great grandson has worked at the sale barn although he is only 9. And he is already showing sheep and has several blue and purple ribbons to his credit.  We feel lucky and blessed to have been a part of so many kids lives and wish them all well in their endeavors.

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